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انجمن محبان محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

In the present age Muslims everywhere are in confusion and distress.Muslim adverse forces are oursuing to disorganize the unity and unanimity of islamic society.Hindus and jews are stretching the network of intrigue to obliteratethe existence of islamic society consequently,the ancestors of KHALID and QASIM are subjected to frightful diplomatic and speculative anxiety.Character of the youth is being spoiled under the pretence of ART CULTURE.Contemptible activities are being supported to unaware and disgust the gaurdians of Islamic societywith the grand spiritual teaching,moral values and bracing traditions of Islam.In these circumstances like every compassionate Muslim ANJUMAN-E-MUHIBBAN-E-MUHAMMAD(S.A.W.W) has declared from its platform, to get followed the teachings of Islam in individual and sociallife,gerneralize the melody of love for,the center of devotion and affection,the holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.w) form village to village and town to town and propagation of messages from the saints (r.a)as its settled objects of life.We request all the passionate lovers of Islamic society not only to act oupn the message of Islam which has reached us through elite and sacred beings (saints R.A)but having brimful with the passion of the service of mankind,we should convey this massage of acclamation for life to every nook and corner of the word.So that,having brimful with the passion of mutual love and brotherhood,th mankind might make this earth a cradle of peace and tranquillity..BUTIt is necessary for the exalation and practice of Islmic values thet once again all the Muslims should get organized and united.So that the grand spiritual revolution of Islam might be brought and the candle of love for the Holy prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)might be lit.



1:-Acquisition of Allah's will.
2:-Obedience of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w)
3:-Thrivingness of the teachings of the Holy(s.a.w.w)Quran
4:-Recognition of honor for the Holy prohet's (s.a.w.w)companions(r.a)
5:-Teaching the affection for the Holy prpthet's family members
6:-Consciousness of a doration for the saints(r.a)
7:-Education of Jehad in Allah's way 
9:-Practice the equality and tolerance
10:-To hold gatherings of 'NAAT'and 'SHAB BAIDARI''



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